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Thank you to everyone who came out for our Fall Sectional in Orange!

Congratulations to all of our winners!

Friday Morning 499er pairs: Howard Schiller and William Larsen

Friday Morning Open pairs: Jill Marshall and Rob Rebelein

Friday Afternoon 499er pairs: Howard Schiller and William Larsen

Friday Afternoon Open pairs: Jill Marshall and Rob Rebelein


Howard Schiller and William Larsen swept the Friday 499ers and Jill Marshall was feeling 7 feet tall after she and Rob Rebelein swept the Friday Open Pairs.

Saturday Morning 499er pairs: Justin Young and Susan Bennett

Saturday Morning Open Pairs: Brett Adler and Jeff Goldman

Saturday Afternoon 499 Pairs: Joseph Zelson and Butch Shimelman

Saturday Afternoon Open Pairs: Brett Adler and Jeff Goldman


Susan Bennett and Justin Young were all smiles after winning the morning 499er Pairs, Joe Zelson and Butch Shimelman headed up the afternoon 499er and Jeff Goldman and Brett Adler brought home the double in the Open Pairs.

Sunday Morning 499er Pairs: Valerie Davis and John Cook

Sunday Open Swiss Teams: Rob Rebelein, Jill Marshall, Brett Adler, Jeff Goldman and Bill Segraves

Left to right: Valerie Davis and John Cook, Rob Rebelein, Brett Adler, Jill Marshall, Bill Segraves and Jeff Goldman

Full results for Friday through Sunday available here.


Award Presentations


CBA Vice President Linda Green presents Bill Segraves with the 2023 Jeff Feldman and Monroe Magnus Trophies. After assessment of a procedural penalty carried over to Sunday, the Directors have determined that the unidentified photobomber finishes the Swiss with -1 Victory Points.


News and Views


It was great to see Sarik Goyal back in New England as he and team Xiao took second in the Sunday Swiss. Can you find a key defensive play made by Jeff Xiao?


Team Hunter finished first in Strat C of Sunday's Open Swiss.


Welcome back to team Amherst, now led by CBA Board member Tom Ye!


Jadwiga Barczak, playing in her first tournament, and Martha Rajaratnam, playing in her first Open Sectional, finished second in the Sunday morning 499er Pairs. Congratulations!


Team Grove finished just out of the money in the Swiss but showed they were ready for the Open!


Team Field put a Halloween scare into the opps on the way to third in the Open Swiss.


Maggie Su, playing in her first tournament, joined our tournament support team to partner a player in the Sunday 499er game and finished second in her stratum. Thank you and congratulations, Maggie!


It's always great to sit down against Team Lloyd!


A few from the tables. Bridge is hard. But fun!


Cooper claims "I've never seen that man before." Authorities skeptical.


Tournament Chair Cornelia Guest

Directors Linda Starr, Bill Segraves and Tim Hill

Congratulations to Jeff Goldman and Brett Adler for winning the 2024 Jeff Feldman Trophy as high Masterpoint winners for the tournament and to Jeff Goldman for securing the 2024 Monroe Magnus Trophy as high Masterpoint winner in all Connecticut Sectionals for the year! Thanks to everyone who helped out with running the tournament, to beautiful St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church for hosting us, to Tournament Chair Cornelia Guest, to Director-in-Charge Tim Hill and Assistants Linda Starr and Bill Segraves, and to super caddies Lisa and Toi! 

Good night, all! See you in Connecticut's great clubs and back at St. Barbara's in March, 2025!