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Nutmeg Solvers is The Kibitzer's new bidding and opening lead contest. The expert panel includes Bart Bramley, Kitty Cooper, Jeff Goldman, John Stiefel, Daniel Wilderman and more. 

Please email your answers to the October 2024 problems by December 15, 2024 and we'll have answers and the contest leaderboard in our next issues in the Spring. For the first seven problems, it's your call. For the eighth, you're on lead!

Thank you to Kitty Cooper for problem 6, from a club game at the Hartford Bridge Club. Please send your bidding and lead problems; we'll choose the Spring 2024 problems from reader submissions!


  For Problem 8, you're on lead!


Some readers may notice that problems 5 and 6 are twins. They're both real deals (that's bridge!). Can you tell them apart in the ways that count?